Ash Straughn, also known as ‘Kash’, is the genius behind the success of many organizations. As a leading business operations coach in the US, she helps businesses reach new heights by providing them with effective strategies for growth. From the early stages of a business to scaling masterfully, Ash guides her clients every step of the way.
In addition to her successful business coaching career, Ash is the author of two bestsellers, “From Business Idea to Business Sales in 15 days” and “Social Media Algorithms – The Secrets They Won’t Tell You”. She has also founded the Kash Code, Inc. platform, which teaches business owners how to strategically plan and advance their ventures quickly.
With over a decade of experience mentoring and coaching businesses, Ash’s tried-and-true methods have proven to be effective in achieving incredible growth in a short time.
Networking and social media are key components in Ash’s approach to driving business success. Her recent appointment as the Chief Operating Officer at Codi, a startup in the Commercial Real Estate sector is a testament to her expertise in these areas. Ash finds great joy in helping companies reach their goals and is inspired by the passion of today’s entrepreneurs.
Ash emphasizes the importance of good communication in understanding the needs of a business and achieving the best results. Ash feels enthusiastic about her work and has also worked with a diverse range of brands, including Postmates and JPMorgan Chase. She gains pleasure from helping entrepreneurs develop new strategies, roadmaps and plans that can accelerate the growth of their ideas and turn them into thriving businesses.