Life is built from the opportunities one chooses to seek out. This is a truth that many people can acknowledge but not everyone can implement in their own lives. Hussam Khaddour has the will to pursue the things he dreams and the ability to turn adverse situations into opportunities.

Khaddour is originally from Syria and had lived a life that same may only dream of while in the country. His sporting abilities had allowed him to be scouted by the ALJESH club and to become one of their key professional players. And yet, life was about to through another curve ball his way. Due to the outbreak of the war, Khaddour was forced to leave his home and family behind and travel to California where he would pursue with all his will his dream of becoming a professional bodybuilder. During this time he competed in some of the biggest and most important competitions and stages including LV at cutler classic and Ohio for Arnold classic. These events brought not only success but life-changing experience to the life of Khaddour and yet, that never stopped him from wanting to learn more and grow further.
Growth is something that he has always deeply believed in which is why he is an avid learner. Passionate about music, Khaddour has learned how to play the keyboard, he is also well versed and educated as he has received two different higher education degrees, one in diplomat business and one in international relations and diplomacy. Sports have also been a keen interest of his throughout his life and apart from soccer he thoroughly enjoys swimming as well. Finally, it was his travels to the UK that allowed him to grow his linguistic abilities. It was there that he learned English, a language that Khaddour mentions he loves knowing and speaking.
In every way that matters, Khaddour is so much more than another ISSA-certified fitness professional or a bodybuilder or soccer player. He is a man of ambition and a man who will realize his dreams through hard work and dedication. It is these practices that he tries to pass on to his clients through fitness. To learn more about Khaddour and his work you can check out his official website and begin your journey towards dream realization.